Sunday, December 16, 2007

Backyard concept

I want a pergola. In fact, I want to modify the existing deck to make it more square, add a pergola to the now bedroom 'to be library', and then add a network of paths and pergolas that take you out to the garage where it will tie into a dining area pergola. No problem! (Btw... we plan on turning our now garange into 1/3 outdoor kitchen/dining area and 2/3 wood workshop.)

Welcome to my winter.

I'm in design phase right now, but I'm pretty excited to have a blank slate, which I see as a world of landscaping opportunity. I'm reviewing books now, and hope to turn my garden into a mixture of tradition, Japanese, and function. I'm going for some pretty awesome water features in this yard. In fact, I want one large pond, a creek, and a water fall/water tumbling rock feature. I want the waterfall near the dining area that way you'll have the audible pleasure while you're enjoying yourself. I plan on having a path that forges the creek, and I want the 'bridge' to be made out of stepping stones. I want you to have to interact with this landscape, which means watching and paying attention. Stay tuned for more design ideas.

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