Monday, October 6, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Driveway removal scheduled

That's right, the driveway removal has been scheduled with Evergreen Concrete Cutting. If you've been following this blog for awhile, then you're probably well aware of the infamous driveway. Basically, our property is 75' wide and 200' long. The driveway runs the entire length of the south property line. Since the day we looked at the house I knew the driveway was going to have to go.

This summer, Kurt and I spent long hours breaking about 10% of the total driveway by hand. I convinced myself that we'd use the broken concrete to build landscaping walls. Well, plans change. We're hiring this job out and we're having the concrete hauled away.

On October 16th, they'll be breaking and removing a 90' long section of driveway. That'll open up approximately 1400 square feet of open space. In that space, we'll be adding a vegetable garden, building an outdoor dining room and planting a small orchard. That'll be a lot nicer than a huge swath of concrete. It may solve some of our water problems since the water can actually go into the ground!

We're leaving a 50' section of driveway at the front on the property. This will easily allow for the parking of three to four cars. Who needs more parking than that?

Stay tuned for pictures of the disappearing driveway!

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