Thursday, December 25, 2008

What Santa Craigslist is bringing me for Xmas...

Nothing says craftsman like a settle. Since we purchased our craftsman home in 2007, I've dreamt of owning one of these beauties. Their simple lines and structure are complimentary to craftsman principles. I'm sure you can understand my excitement when I discovered one of these on Craigslist.

Thankfully, Santa was nice enough to secure the purchase of this item for me (he has yet to deliver it down the chimney). What makes this settle special is that it comes with a story. This particular settle has been in the same family for three generations. That's a bit of history that you don't always get when you purchase something at auction or at an antique store. Originally, this settle had a leather bottom cushion and pillows. Unfortunately, the brutal Tacoma weather has not allowed us to retrieve the it yet, but I'm happy knowing that it'll be mine soon! In time, I'll refinish the bottom cushion, and have back pillows made. I'm leaning towards leather upholstery just as it would have had originally (see photo below).

In Picasa, I keep a photo album containing pictures of furniture and design elements I like, so that I can refer to them at a later date. I like to think of it as the Sears catalog picture clipping of the future. I recommend doing this, because as you visit sites and look at books you'll gather a lot of ideas. This particular photo is of a settle I fell in love with. I present this to give you an idea of what the cushions will once again look like when complete.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for leaving the comment on Good Life Northwest, concerning the post on living with LESS, and for introducing yourself. I'm glad you sent your fascinating blog which I plan to really read through later this afternoon.

    How fun to know about the Second Use connection! I'm getting ready to head out the door, but maybe when I look through your pictures this afternoon I'll recognize a familiar face from Second Use. Michael is a good friend of ours and we've played music there for several events, like the auction, with our Combo de Luxe jazz band.

    Hope we can meet someday!

    Thanks again,
