Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wood Storage Rack

When we bought the house, one of the selling points was a 30x20 foot garage/workshop space. The shop has been incredibly valuable for material storage. Material storage has been absolutely critical since we're doing much of the remodel using reusable building materials.

This has been a bit of a love/hate relationship, because more materials means more floor space in the workshop, which means less space to work. Organization is key to solve this issue.

I set out to build this lumber rack:

I completed the project in a weekend, and we've finally cleared enough floor space to do work again.

We both have an interest in doing more woodworking projects, and our long-term goal is to split the workshop in two: one 20x20 space for the woodshop (that you see pictured above), and another 10x20 studio space. More to come on that soon.

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