Friday, April 1, 2011

Everything old is Old

After much consideration we have decided the Craftsman look lacks that feeling of "Home" we are continually searching for.

Going forward we will be changing direction to a much simpler modern design. We feel that we will be much more comfortable without all this "Nature", and all these things made of wood.


  1. Very funny. It looks like the landscaping will be minimal also.

  2. Very funny. It looks like the landscaping will be minimal as well.

  3. We decided on a white corrugated plastic for all exterior landscapes. It's reminiscent of sand dunes or purest driven snow. We have to wear welding goggles in the yard now but it is well worth it.

  4. Of course you are. I can see it all now.... white corrugated plastic... Yup, definitely your style ;-)
