Friday, January 17, 2014

Dreaming of Spring

We're dreaming of spring.  Just a few short months away and it'll be time to get the plant starts going in the greenhouse.  We hope to start a woodworking project in the next few weeks to get the frame and panel installed in the library.  More updates soon.


  1. I "googled" Craftsman Blogs because we just bought a house in Tacoma, WA this September and was surprised to come across this! Awesome, Love the ideas from the Landscape.

  2. We just bought a house in Tacoma, WA and are trying to restore a lot of the charm that has been stripped over the years. I "googled" Craftsman Blog and came across this. I love the Landscaping and it is inspiring to find someone almost next door embracing the history of their home. Thank you!

  3. Good chance to starting woodworking. If you interesting door hardware lock , visit Door Lock Guide

  4. Hello! I love craftsman houses and reading about the lives of different people, especially when they live in a place as lovely as Washington State. (I live in the desert.) I know how life can get away from you when it comes to the real world versus blogging, but I hope you are well and begin posting again soon!
