Saturday, September 10, 2011

Side Yard Progress

We're making more progress on the side yard on the North side of the house.  Side yards are difficult because of the long narrow shotgun shape.  There were a couple of goals in mind for this project.  First, we wanted to landscape it in a way that would allow us to build up dirt along the foundation of the house.  This should help prevent the foundation from taking in so much water.  Second, we wanted to tie it in with the back yard and give it some elevation change.  We did this by building up the path in areas using fill and landscape rock.  We're going to hold off and landscape this area with woodland plants next year.  This year, we are laying mulch to hold back the weeds until it is planted.

View from the front-yard.  Through this gate is the side yard.

View of the side yard through the gate.  
Picture earlier this year when we started this project.  Here you can see how we've started to build up dirt along the foundation.

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