Sunday, September 11, 2011

Vegetable Garden 2011

Picture of the new Potager garden taken in August, 2011.
It was certainly not the best gardening year that I've ever had, but I blame it on the lack-luster weather in the Pacific Northwest and not my skill.  Okay, so maybe it was a mix of both.

We put the Potager to good use this year, and it supplied us with plenty of onions, leeks, chard, lettuce, spinach, and even a handful of tomatoes!

Before picture taken on March, 2011.
The space has come a long ways over the last couple of years.  This spot was the former driveway, which we removed a couple of years ago.  It took quite a bit of time to get the space turned into what it is today.  Just earlier this year, we were building raised beds out of cedar timbers and hauling in dirt by the wheel barrow load.

Cardoons and Calendulas
I'm about ready to retire the garden for the year.  Soon, I'll be mulching beds and getting them ready for next spring.  Then, we'll start the process over again.  Hopefully next year mother nature will bring us a decent spring.

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