Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012: The Garden at Rest

It's a pretty peaceful time in the garden this time of year.  It's a great time of year to plan and anticipate the 2012 growing season.  So far this year we've received two seed catalogs.  That always help kickoff the season and get you through the remaining winter months.  The following are some photos of the landscape taken the last couple days.  Enjoy ~

 Above: Lots of interest in the bark and remaining green leaves of those plants overwintering.  The garden is really showing off its "bones" this winter.  
 Above: Snowberry is one of my favorite Pacific Northwest native plants to landscape with.  All winter long it features large oblong white berries that really stand out.  It's easy and simply beautiful.  The green to the right is our bay tree, which seems very happy.
Above: My name is Rosetta, and I am the cutest cat to ever walk this part of the land.  I'm very stealthy, which is why you can barely tell me apart from the rocks.
 Above: Our overwintering Potager kitchen garden.  Pictured are beets, onions and chard which are still hanging on this winter. 
 Above: The few remaining leeks overwintering and keeping the Potager interesting this winter.  
Above: Our remaining woodpile.  A nice fire helps take the chill off the air during cold wet evenings.

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