Monday, January 9, 2012

Bringing A Little Louis Sullivan Into the Kitchen

Sullivan original tile.

8+ years ago we moved to the Northwest from Chicago.  We recently went back home for a visit and had an opportunity to visit the Chicago Art Institute.  On display was a tile piece by Louis Sullivan that was salvaged from a Chicago building.  Interestingly, we had been looking at the Motawi Sullivanesque collection for the tile job in our kitchen.  The one we had picked named Cicero (pictured below) seemed to have a similar flow to it as the one at the Art Institute.  Needless to say, I'd love to have the real deal, but I expect the Art Institute probably isn't interested in selling the one on display out of their permanent collection.  If you're in Chicago, be sure to stop by the Art Institute and bury yourself amongst the art for a day (or two).

Sullivan influenced tile by Motawi.

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