We've been absent from the blog for awhile now. Consider it a blog vacation. Rest assured, we've been busy on home projects.
Before remodel. |
We recently completed the installation of siding on our workshop. We used the same wide-skinny-skinny siding pattern as found on our house. We found an excellent deal on siding at our local mill outlet, but unfortunately it did not come in the two sizes. We were able to easily rip the siding down into the smaller size on the tablesaw.
After remodel. |
We completed the drywall in the studio space. The studio is meant to be a mixed use area that can be used for art projects, craft projects, plus cooking and canning. We also intend to build a countertop/desk area as a small home office. Since finishing this space, we have found ourselves using it quite a lot. We found the
space particularly useful during our annual summer/garden party.
Inside studio finished space. |
We will be posting additional pictures as we finish the space, install trim, complete the floor, etc. Additional blog entires will follow that show some of our garden outdoor space projects.