Step one for this project was to finish the space in front of the workshop where the old concrete driveway once was. For this, we used recycled brick found on Craigslist several years ago. As patios go, this one was pretty easy to install all things consider. The only thing special about this project was installing drains to prevent water from standing on the brick and then running into the structure.
Next, we tore down the old garage door and framed it in for the doors and windows. The windows are salvaged out-swing casement windows, and the french doors are another salvaged item. The doors had to be cut down because they were taller than the existing header for the old garage door. This presented a small challenge, but in the end it worked out pretty well. Already, things are starting to shape up and look a lot better. This structure has been a downright eyesore for years.
This project is far from done. Our plan is to reside the front and North side of the garage that face our property. For this, we will likely use a horizontal siding material like Hardie Plank and try to match the siding pattern on our house. It is unlikely that project will get finished this year. Once new siding is installed, we'll be ready to paint this structure to match the color scheme of our house.
This winter, we will be using the inside front-half of our workshop as a work space to strip woodwork and finish trim, etc. Eventually, this space will be more finished so that it is multi-use. We haven't exactly decided what the space will be used for, but ideas include an art studio, home office, bar, entertainment/dining room area, and maybe a little of all of the above. Whatever the use, it'll be nice when this structure isn't a complete mismatch from the house, and is a little more pleasing to the eyes.
Nice to see you back. Enjoy your new workshop.
Thank you. It is good to be back. We will definitely enjoy having the workshop. Btw... Your new garage looks fantastic! I can only dream that ours will look half as good someday :-)
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